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Quads @ Pumpkin Chuckin' Festival

Quads @ Pumpkin Chuckin' Festival

Played on grass. Sign up as an team.
Played on a men’s net. No gender requirements/restrictions. $25 per player ($10 festival entry fee + $15 tournament fee).


  • Unofficial List (updated sporadically)

    1. Ryan, Kevin, Taj, Aaron

    2. Adam W, Cole S, Kieran S, Zachary K

    3. Miranda, Cody, Matt, Carter

    4. Dove R, Crew R, Hamish M, Joshua S

    5. Bill, Dave R, Josh B, Lucy

    6. Sarah S, Nick P, Joe G, Joe W

    7. Lauren, Jeremiah, Becca , Christian

    8. Jill, Caleb, Tim, Eniel

    9. Brandan, Logan, Jesse, Will J

    10. Ethan, Camille, Avery, Nat R

    11. Hung, Duy, Sun, Jon

    12. Dan, Jerry, Sidd

    13. Dakota G, Sean K, Kate K, Chase G, Justin

    14. Chris D, Jackson B, Ellen L, Tiki

    15. Noah, Luke, Ben, Syrah

    16. Devin R, Max R, Lyly D, Charles D

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Coed Reverse Quads w/ Rotating Pairs

Coed Reverse Quads w/ Rotating Pairs

Played on grass. Sign up as a coed pair.
You will play with the person you sign up with for the entire tournament. However, similar to the king/queen format, each game you’ll be matched with a different pair to form teams of four. Men are considered back-row players and cannot block or attack above the net from in front of the 10ft line.

  • Unofficial List (updated sporadically)

    1. Maggie K & Dan R

    2. Ellen O & Shawn

    3. Marc & Jordynne

    4. Lee & Natalie

    5. Ethan & Ella F

    6. Eric B & Justine

    7. Nick & Sarah S

    8. Cody & Becca

    9. Bill & Marina

    10. Charlie & Adrian

    11. Matt & Allyssa R

    12. Maddie B & Mike A

    13. Hillary S & Roger P

    14. Dan & Avery

    15. Dylan & Laken

    16. Noah & Ally T

    17. Tim S & Molly D

    18. Juliana D & Ben R

    19. Eva D & Mateo D

    20. Schuyler & Anna G

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Coed Reverse Doubles

Coed Reverse Doubles

Played on grass. Sign up as a coed team.
Men are considered back row and can't block or attack above the net from in front of the 10ft line.

  • Unofficial List (updated sporadically)

    1. Sarah & Shawn

    2. Miranda & Ryan

    3. Joe G & Becca

    4. Carter & Michala

    5. Cody & Sarah S

    6. Nick P & Emily

    7. Jon H & Ellen O

    8. Dave R & Lucy

    9. Nat & Kanika

    10. Dylan & Sachi

    11. Dan & Avery

    12. Calab & Jill

    13. Christian & Diana

  • Unofficial List (updated sporadically)

    1. ​Ari & Trevor

    2. Paige & Schuyler

    3. Chad & Kat

    4. Dave J & Grace

    5. Blaz & Laurel

    6. Ethan & Beth

    7. Bill & Rae

    8. Mike D & Isabel

    9. Pat & Ellen

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Doubles (Men’s & Women’s)

Doubles (Men’s & Women’s)

Played on sand (and/or grass). Sign up as a team.
This is the only GMVB tournament primarily played in sand. Grass courts may also be used for overflow. In prior years the women have chosen to play their tournament on grass instead of sand.

  • Unofficial List (updated sporadically)

    1. Cody & Jonny H

    2. Joe G & Joe W

    3. Carter & Matt

    4. Christian & Josh

    5. Magnus & Lucas

    6. Eric B & Bret N

    7. Lee & Schuyler

    8. Trever & Mike

    9. Jeff & Evan M

    10. Jam & Brendan

    11. Caleb & Liam

    12. Maximo & Kaine

    13. Tim D & Dylan

    14. Shawn & Becca

    15. Dan & Ben K

    16. Dave J & Ethan M

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KOB Doubles & QOB Doubles

KOB Doubles & QOB Doubles

Played on grass. Sign up as an individual. Limited to even gender numbers.
These are separate men’s King of the Beach (actually grass) and women’s Queen of the Beach (again grass) tournaments.

  • Unofficial List (updated sporadically)

    1. Bill

    2. Joe W

    3. Nick P

    4. Joe G

    5. Schuyler

    6. Lee

    7. Magnus

    8. Josh B

    9. Dave J

    10. Christian

    11. Cody

    12. Tim D

    13. Joey C

    14. Fredo C

    15. Shawn

    16. Ethan

    17. Tiki

    18. Noah

    19. JR

    20. Matt S

  • Unofficial List (updated sporadically)

    1. Jill

    2. Becca

    3. Lauren B

    4. Sachi

    5. Avery

    6. Hannah

    7. Ellen L

    8. Beth S

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Played on grass. Sign up as an team.
Played on a men’s net. No gender requirements/restrictions.

  • Unofficial List (updated sporadically)

    1. Taj, Josh, Dave, Carter

    2. Jon H, Cody, Magnus, Luke

    3. Ben L, Brett, Joe G, Ben K

    4. Bill, Ryan, Phil, Kevin

    5. Jillbert, Christian, John, Dylan

    6. Joey C, Fredo, Brody, Nate M

    7. Nat R, Eniel, Noah, Avery

    8. Dave J, Mike D, Ed, Matt

    9. Jam, Maximo, Micah, Brendan

    10. Hung Vu, Spencer, Blaz, ??

    11. Gary R, Jackson, Caleb, Tyler B

    12. Jeff M, Evan, Alex J, Ben S, Jon T

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Coed Reverse Doubles King/Queen

Coed Reverse Doubles King/Queen

Played on grass. Sign up as an individual. Limited to even gender numbers.
Men are considered back row and can't block or attack above the net from in front of the 10ft line.

  • Unofficial List (updated sporadically)

    1. Bill

    2. Shawn

    3. Joe G

    4. Nick P​

    5. Schuyler

    6. Jonny H​

    7. Magnus

    8. ​Blaz

    9. ​Dan N

    10. Cody

    11. Christian

    12. Lee P

    13. Dave J

    14. Charles D

    15. Dave R

    16. Devin

  • Unofficial List (updated sporadically)

    1. Jill​​

    2. ​Becca

    3. Grace

    4. Kanika

    5. Laurel​

    6. Diana K

    7. Sachi

    8. Ellen L

    9. Justine

    10. ​Avery

    11. Sam R

    12. Ellen O

    13. Sarah A

    14. Paige

    15. ​Danielle

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